Kibogora Hospital, Rwanda is a rural hospital of 269 beds, located in southwest Rwanda on the shores of Lake Kivu. It serves a population of approximately 250,000 people. Kibogora is also a referral center for 12 outlying health centers.
The hospital provides surgical, general medical, pediatric, maternity and neonatal services, with an extremely busy outpatient department. The support facilities include X- ray. laboratory, HIV/Aids testing, treatment facilities, dentistry, opthalmology, physiotherapy and family planning clinics.
An essential part of the life at Kibogora hospital are the services provided by the Social Affairs department and the Chaplaincy. These departments provide for the basic social and spiritual needs of patients and staff.
Rwanda is one of the poorest countries and has great health care needs. According to Rwanda’s Ministry of Health there is only one doctor for every 50,000 people and 103 children out of 1000 die before they reach the age of five.
Only 40% of the population have access to adequate health care. Malaria has been the biggest cause of illness and death. An ongoing health education program has reduced the incidence of malaria but it remains a major cause of death, particularly in children.