Overcrowding has been a huge problem in the Kibogora maternity ward over the past several years. Most uncomplicated deliveries are managed at one of the 13 health centers supervised by Kibogora Hospital. Complicated pregnancies and mothers with a history of previous Csection are managed at the hospital, leading to a very high rate of C-section delivery there.
Over 100 C-sections are performed each month at Kibogora! Laboring and recovering mothers often have to share beds with one another due to overcrowding; the census in maternity averages 158% of bed capacity.
As a solution, over the past several years, Kibogora Hospital leaders have been working with the local and national government as well as international partners to raise funds and lay plans for a new maternity ward. Fundraising and government support have now reached a level where ground breaking on the first phase is possible!
There is still a great need for funds to complete the later phases of the building project – as of October 2020, we still need about $330,000 to complete the project. Please see pictures and plans below, as well as the informational video created by our British partners, Action Kibogora. Please pray with us and consider giving to the Maternity Ward Project to help meet the desperate need of young mothers and new babies in rural Western Rwanda!